
For auto diagnosis, TEXA offers a complete series of products that ranges from the famous NAVIGATOR TXT MULTIHUB 2 and Navigator NANO S 2 vehicle interfaces, to the powerful AXONE VOICE, AXONE NEMO PLUS and AXONE NEMO LIGHT displays, up to the DoIP Node. The latter is for high-speed DoIP (Diagnosis Over Internet Protocol) diagnostic operations on new vehicles equipped with Ethernet BUS communication.

TEXA also offers a high-performing solution dedicated to the ADAS for the calibration of vehicle radars and cameras.

All the products are intuitive and easy to use, robust and equipped with the best technologies. They are built entirely in Italy on modern ad automated assembly lines in compliance with the strictest certifications.


A/C Diagnostics and recharging

The KONFORT range of A/C recharge and maintenance stations offers the perfect solution for all vehicle workshops. It is no coincidence that these stations set the standard for A/C servicing around the world.

The KONFORT range includes dedicated stations for R134a refrigerant (the 705R, the 705R OFF ROAD and 710R), dedicated stations for R1234yf refrigerant (the 707R and the 770S), and stations that can work with both, with the addition of a retrofit conversion kit (720R and 760R also available in TOUCH version).

The 780R and 780 TOUCH even has two separate circuits to let you work with both types of refrigerant at the same time.

The KONFORT 744 recharge station is one of the very few solutions currently available that were specially designed to service and recharge the latest air conditioning systems for R744 refrigerant (C02).

KONFORT A/C recharge stations are protected by a long series of international patents registered by TEXA.

Engine cleaning

H2 BLASTER, is the new tool developed by TEXA that, using the combined power of hydrogen and oxygen, cleans the parts involved in the internal combustion process completely and restores the engine’s optimal performance, at the same reducing consumptions and harmful emissions.

H2 BLASTER is equipped with a series of operator safety control devices, that guarantee a highly performing treatment, managing efficiently any possible failure.


TEXA offers a complete range of extremely accurate and robust tools for exhaust gas analysis. GASBOX and OPABOX are TEXA’s exhaust gas analysers for petrol and diesel engines respectively and incorporate TEXA’s own unique and extremely accurate analysis chambers.

NP 01 is the first TEXA tool developed and designed in order to measure particulate number concentration of motor vehicles emissions.

For engine speed measurement, TEXA offers RC2 and RC3. RC2 can take measurements by inductive clamp and piezoelectric sensor or by microphone and residual battery signal. RC3 can take measurements in the same ways, read data directly from the vehicle’s OBD socket, and function as an EOBD scan tool too.


TEXA’s new product in the field of measurements is LASER EXAMINER, an innovative laser profilometer to check brake disc and tyre tread wear.

On the other hand, TEXA’s interfaces UNIProbe and TwinProbe allow performing all the physical measurements that are essential for the traditional diagnosis, identifying whether the vehicle has an electrical failure.

Headlight alignment system

The vehicle lighting system in recent years has evolved a lot from a technological point of view: more and more often xenon, led and also laser headlights interact with radar, cameras and steering systems. In this context, eLight presents the most advanced headlight alignment system, the first with integrated electronic diagnostics.

A digital tool that identifies the type of light and guarantees a fast and precise intervention.


Tyre pressure monitoring represents a very important element connected to road safety.

TPS2 is the device specifically developed to meet all the needs of tyre specialists